Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > simplicity and being and destiny


Opening like a blossom ~ being & destiny

Jul 6, 2019

Saying For Today: Do not wish to become anything, and what you are will open like a blossom to bless others with your inner grace.

Desert Sunset and Shadows of Peace

*William O'Brien Fine Art. 'Desert Sunset and Shadows of Peace'. Flickr

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A new visitor attended the weekly open community meeting with the sage and inquired of the sage.

I really have no idea what I want to be, and it seems I have been surrounded by persons all my life who are talking about what they want to do and be. When persons inquire as to what I wish to become, I have no answer, and they look at me like they do not understand how I cannot know that. How may I get clarity, so I can work toward what my destiny is and what I am to be?

All you need to do is be faithful to this day, this moment. Whatever your destiny is, if you wish to call it that, will show itself to you day-by-day, moment-by-moment. Your destiny is always now, never in the future. You cannot find it, it finds you. Simply live fully now. And, as to what you are to be, your destiny is the natural expression of what you are. Do not wish to become anything, and what you are will open like a blossom to bless others with your inner grace.

That almost sounds too simple.

Yes, but it is that simple. Many cannot tolerate simplicity, so they create complexity. There is nothing not simple. Any complication we add. Look at all nature, see how everything simply follows its nature. So, remaining simple means remaining yourself. Anyway, how can you be otherwise? If you relax in trusting your essential nature, how can your destiny not appear to you? How can life be complicated? It cannot. Let others struggle with the complications they create. Let them look at you like you are a simpleton. Remain wise, by enjoying and giving thanks for this simple, wonderful life.

*Brian K. Wilcox. "Meetings with an Anonymous Sage."

our brief and precious life together

*Brian Wilcox. 'our brief and precious life together'. Flickr

*(C)Brian K. Wilcox, 2019


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > simplicity and being and destiny

©Brian Wilcox 2025